Key Takeaways
- The role of randomness in life is really hard for us to accept, especially on the success side
- It’s MUCH easier to accept randomness when things don’t go our way
- The way we process the world is driven by our belief structure as opposed to our belief structure being formed by how we process the world
- Learning is like a competition between the present and future versions of you
- When we’re confronted with the possibility that we’re wrong, we do all sorts of cognitive gymnastics to try to hold on to our belief
- But this is a problem – in order to grow as a person, (and become smarter/more knowledgeable), you’ll HAVE to eventually discover that there are things you’re not right about in the present moment
- When we’re confronted with the possibility that we’re wrong, we do all sorts of cognitive gymnastics to try to hold on to our belief
- Humans view ideas that are different from their own as a threat
- One of the downsides of technology is all the information we’re exposed to. At a certain point, it doesn’t really add value – it just adds confidence.
- Because of this – The more strongly we hold a belief, the less we’ll be open to new information
- If two people who are very well informed hold opposite and equally extreme views, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle
- Redefine what does/doesn’t cause you pain in terms of things that contradict your own beliefs