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ARTICLE: Why living experimentally beats taking big bets

Excerpt: Annie Duke, author of Thinking In Bets, says that “wrapping our arms around uncertainty and giving it a big hug will help us become better decision makers”. Fair enough. If we’re going to have to eat our uncertainty broccoli anyway, it may be best to swallow it down before

ARTICLE: All The Outcomes Are Unknown

Any time we do something, we build a likelihood in our mind, consciously or sub-consciously, of whether success will be attained based on our abilities, past experiences, etc. Everyone knows that the dinosaurs have long been extinct. Annie Duke wrote in her book, Thinking in Bets, speaking on coelacanths, a fish:

17 business books everyone will be reading in 2018

As the year draws to a close and we catch up with the best business books of 2017, we’re also looking toward what’s coming up in 2018. We’ve looked through titles that have already been announced for the new year and have highlighted the memoirs, career guides, and analyses we’re most