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ReThinking65: Former Poker Pro Annie Duke: Quitting is OK

EXCERPT: Probability, statistics and psychology While much of what Annie writes is based on her very solid understanding of probability, statistics and the theory of interest to evaluate the present value of alternative scenarios, what sets this book apart is her acumen as a cognitive psychologist. Annie earned a Master’s

NBIC: The Next Big Idea Club’s 2 Official Selections for Season 19

Breaking news from the Next Big Idea Club: Curators Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Daniel Pink have reviewed their list of seven season finalists and hand-picked their favorite nonfiction books of the season. Without further ado, the two can’t-miss reads of Season 19 are… Breaking news from the Next Big

Behavioral Scientist: Most Read Articles of 2022

In the list below, you’ll find the articles that readers like you read the most in 2022. The 10 most read articles, plus five honorable mentions, showcase the breadth and depth of behavioral science over the past year.  There is advice on how to “Get Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable” and “Mental

Reuters: Poker legend Annie Duke on why quitting can be a good thing

NEW YORK, Oct 28 – At this point, it seems like everyone is talking about the trend of “quiet quitting,” where employees slowly start disengaging from their work. Well, Annie Duke has a suggestion for you: Quit at full volume. The legendary poker player has a new book out on

Slate: An Expert Decision-Maker Explains How to Get Better at Quitting

This week, host June Thomas talks to Annie Duke, an author and former professional poker player whose latest book is Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away. In the interview, Annie explains why she’s trying to rehabilitate the word “quit.” She also uses examples to illustrate why quitting is